Jul 01, 2015 Posted Under: Erectile Dysfunctions

Remedy Erectile Dysfunction the Right Way

ED or erection dysfunction is an issue which impacts an important amount of men around the world. Generic Viagra may provide you with an option to guys that have a reduced ability to attain erections. Several sources establish about Ten million adult males in The Us have impotence problems, as well as the issue could be serious the old they get. Lots of men endure quietly, as impotence problems may be well seen by several people as an uneasy illness. There are ways, however, to handle impotence problems.

Totally understand Impotence

You may endure a loss of an erection from time to time without having to stress about that. This might not signal an issue where you have to purchase Viagra. Not enough succeeding to keep one greater than Half the time in order to participate in sex, nevertheless, may well suggest you have got a significant problem. You must not mix up failure to achieve climax Impotence for other sexual matters like a lack of craving for sex, or premature ejaculation. Impotence issues solely consists of lacking the virility necessary for insertion that is sexual. Sometimes, it’s temporary, for example when you’re dealing with undergo alternative or a disturbing encounter for other health conditions.

Talk to a professional

A doctor might help when you go over it manage your issue. Your health professional as well as you can get to the underside of it and develop an option, such as being forced to take generic Viagra. Mental health variables may potentially result in several guys in Impotence, as well as medication may be perhaps suggested by your medical doctor or lead one to a psych professional that will help re-establish a sex life that is consistent. In the event the thing is physiological your physician may offer several responses.

Beware of the drug treatments you are taking

Treatment or recreational drug treatments may have an impact on penile erection. A variety of medications including muscle tissue relaxants hormones, beta and Histamine-2 blockers, and antidepressants usually bring about Impotence. Drug use also wreaks havoc in your sexual health. In the event that you imagine your medicine is causing the problem request your doctor for potential alternatives.

Get remedy for an illness

Several other health concerns along with ailments could cause impotence problems. Just before you choose to get Viagra if you have conditions like type 2 diabetes, which occurs to be to blame for an immense quantity of Impotence instances in The United States speak to your own medical doctor. Endocrine system troubles vascular ailments, multiple sclerosis, spinal column injuries, and additionally operations in sex organs or the pelvic area could also have an impact in your ability keep an erection or in the first place. Speak with your physician about your choices, but keep an open mind as some illnesses sadly tend not to have alternatives.

Use Viagra Canada online and some apparatus

Because some drugs and apparatus to deal with impotence could have unwanted effects on other present states being entirely honest together with your physician is crucial in treating ED. Many ED sufferers may buy Viagra online, as it’s one of the most common drugs that may help men with impotence problems arouse and prolong an erection. Discuss other options with your doctor, including apparatus and shots which will enable you recover the capacity to possess sexual intercourse and to prolong an erection.

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Oct 09, 2014 Posted Under: Drugs

The drug concentrations in the buffer

To compare the PCL stents manufactured in this study with the commercial 10-mm-covered Ultraflex SEMSs, both PCL (10 mm in diameter) and Ultraflex stents were compressed by a 1-N force, and the deformation rates were recorded. Area load was applied over the full length of the stents with a 1,500-mm2 plate mounted on a LLOYD tensiometer. The cross-head speed was 1 mm/min.

An in vitro elution method was used to determine the release characteristics of cisplatin from the stents. A phosphate buffer, 0.15 mol/L (pH 7.4), was used as the dissolution medium buy Australia Cialis. The stents’ elements were placed in glass test tubes with 1 mL of phosphate buffer. All tubes were incubated at 37°C. The dissolution medium was collected daily for subsequent HPLC analyses. Fresh phosphate buffer (1 mL) was then added for the next 24-h period, and this procedure was repeated for 6 weeks.

The drug concentrations in the buffer for the elution studies were determined by a HPLC assay standard curve for cisplatin. The HPLC analyses were conducted on a Hitachi D-2000 Elite Delivery System. The column used for separation of the cisplatin was a Zorbax ODS, C18, 5 mm, 4.6 cm X 250 mm HPLC column. The mobile phase contained distilled water and acetonitrile (10/90, volume/volume). The absorbency was monitored at 280 nm, and the flow rate was 2.0 mL/min. All samples were assayed in triplicate, and sample dilutions were performed to bring the unknown concentrations into the range of the assay standard curve. A calibration curve was made for each set of the measurements (correlation coefficient > 0.99). The elution product can be specifically identified and quantified with high sensitivity using the HPLC system.

Fifteen New Zealand white rabbits, with an average weight of 3.0 kg, were divided into five groups in this study. During the surgical procedure, the animals were anesthetized with an intramuscular injection of 1 mL 2% xyla-zine hydrochloride and 1 mL 50% tiletamine/50% zolazapam (both as hydrochloride). All rabbits maintained spontaneous breathing without intubation. The cervical trachea was exposed. A longitudinal incision was made at the midline of the trachea, crossing six cartilage rings, starting from the third. The 6-mm PCL stent was implanted under direct vision. The tracheotomy was then closed with a polypropylene suture. All animal procedures received institutional approval.

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Jul 04, 2014 Posted Under: Erectile Dysfunctions, Other

The Mantra of Healthy Sexuality

Integrated Eroticism

When men think of eroticism, the image is of porn magazines and videos. This approach to eroticism emphasizes raw and wild sex, carnal feelings, powerful erections, and perfect performance. The wilder the situation and the crazier the woman, the more erotic. Not surprisingly, we take a very different approach to integrated eroticism canadian viagra for sale. Eroticism is a healthy part of you as a man and your couple sexual scenario. If you think of arousal being on a 10-point scale (where 0 = neutral, 3 = sensual, 5 = arousal signified by the beginning of an erection, 8 = high arousal, and 10 = orgasm), erotic stimulation ranges from 6 to 10. Intimacy and pleasuring are a solid basis for sexual arousal, but high arousal and orgasm involve genital stimulation and erotic scenarios and techniques.

We emphasize the concept of erotic flow, allowing yourself to go from 7 to 9 where the feelings, sensations, and the erotic experience combine in a positive, synergistic manner. A key factor in erotic flow is allowing your-self to piggyback your arousal on your partner’s arousal. Truly, the major erotic stimulus (aphrodisiac) is an involved, aroused partner. Key elements of eroticism are unpredictability and allowing yourself to let go and enjoy intense erotic feelings. The key to integrated eroticism is respecting, valuing, and owning your body’s sexuality, not viewing it as a porn scenario. An ordinary erotic technique is to use fantasies that serve as a bridge to greater arousal in partner sex.

Genuine Satisfaction

The vital component is a sense of genuine satisfaction. In traditional sex therapy the focus has been on performance—erection, intercourse, and orgasm (ejaculation). The new mantra in sex therapy is mutual intimacy, pleasure, eroticism, and satisfaction. Satisfaction certainly includes erection, intercourse, and orgasm, but it is not limited to that. Satisfaction involves emotional, sexual, and couple factors. In Hollywood movies, sex is always perfect both people are turned on before they even begin touching, the sex is impulsive, short, intense, and nonverbal, both are easily orgasmic, and satisfaction is mutual and total. It’s a wonderful image but harmful to real-life men and couples.

In truth, if you have Hollywood type sex once a month you are more fortunate than 90% of men. In sexually happy couples, if half of their experiences involve both being desirous, aroused, and orgasmic they are fortunate. Often, the sex is better for the man than his partner, but she enjoys him, his pleasure, and the encounter. Sometimes, the sex is unremarkable, functional, but not special or satisfying. The most important factor in terms of positive, realistic expectations is that 5–15% of sexual encounters are unsatisfying or outright dysfunctional and canadian pharmacy viagra. Rather than panicking or apologizing, the man (and woman) is better to shrug it off and accept this experience as normal sexual variability (especially after age 40). A healthy couple approach is to talk together briefly about an alternative scenario or take a rain check. Try to reconnect in the next one to three days when you feel receptive and responsive so you don’t let anticipatory sexual anxiety build. The essence of satisfaction is sharing and enjoying sensual and sexual pleasure. You feel better about yourself and energized about your relationship after a sexual experience.

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Apr 30, 2014 Posted Under: Erectile Dysfunctions

Erectile Dysfunction – Review by Australian Pharmacy

  • Impotence Treatment

The number of men suffering from impotence around the world can only be estimated as this is a condition about which men rarely prefer to talk openly. No man would feel comfortable saying he is suffering from lack of proper erection. This makes impotence treatment a tough task but one that is also highly important.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a man’s inability to achieve and hold an erection long enough for good, enjoyable sex. A man suffering from impotence can go through lot of psychological stress: it can affect his personal life as also his professional life. He would not be comfortable with his partner and would be irritated at normal things around him. Before it gets entirely out of hand, he should seek proper impotence treatment.

So how does a man know if he is suffering from impotence? There are a few symptoms that can help identify the condition. However, before that it is necessary to have a bit of background information and understand its causes.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction can be of two types: temporary or permanent. The temporary variant normally occurs when a man is stressed out or physically tired. The permanent or extended version on the other hand is the culmination of a variety of factors: psychological, physical, environmental and medical.

Psychological causes generally include stress, either work or personal, and guilt. Physical factors on the other hand can include injury or disability while environmental factors might be exposure to excessive heat, radiation and the like. Medical factors could be in the form of medicine side effects or surgeries

In terms of symptoms, the main symptom is a lack of proper erection or an erection that goes away very quickly. Other symptoms include a semi-rigid or flaccid penis even after sexual stimulation.

Diagnosis of impotence is not easy. If you believe you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, you should immediately consult a doctor who can carry out a thorough physical examination to ensure proper diagnosis of your condition. Once diagnosed, the doctor can provide you with guidance and method of treating your impotence. You can buy Cialis online provided your doctor provides you with required prescription.

There are multiple impotence treatment methods currently available which can help treat your erectile dysfunction problem. For psychological issues, counselling and mental training is generally the right method. For physical, environmental as well as medical reasons, doctors generally prescribe treatment with drug therapy for patients.

There are a number of prescription impotence treatment drugs available in the market today including the popular Viagra, Cialis Australia shop and Levitra pills. You want to buy Viagra online, you must have all the required information beforehand. These impotence treatment drugs are all need back drugs which you need to take whenever you wish to have sex. They work inside the body to improve blood flow to the penis and bring about a better erection.

For those who are not comfortable with prescription drugs, either due to ingredients or their side effects, there are certain alternatives to prescription drugs available. These are generally in the form of herbal and over-the-counter treatments. The list of such herbal alternatives to prescription drugs is literally endless; however the actual number of effective medications is not exactly known.

Male impotence has been a topic of research for years and continues to do so. This is the reason why new treatments continue to enter the market for male impotence. The latest updates in impotence treatment include two new prescription medications: Cialis once daily and dapoxetine. While Cialis once a day is a lower dosage based, daily regimen version of Cialis, dapoxetine is the newest medication for treating premature ejaculation in men.

  • Symptoms and Causes
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment with Drug Therapy
  • Alternatives to Prescription Drugs
  • Latest updates in impotence treatment
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Jan 26, 2013 Posted Under: Allergies

Get Your Immunity Checked By Immunologists

Immunity is very important if you want to stay healthy and fit in your body. There is an immunity system inside our body which helps us to fight against all the disease and ailment germ, virus and bacteria only if your immunity system is strong enough. After growing up you suddenly wants your immunity to get strong then it is a sorry full condition because it is not possible. Immunity is something on which you need to work a lot from the beginning then only you can get it to work properly for your body mechanism.

Some points which can reduce your immunity levels are bad health diet, smoking, drinking alcohol these maybe some of the serious problem which can make your immunity system weak. Many times parents are not able to provide their children, infant and adolescents with proper food and nutrition all of these results in weak immunity level. Malnutrition children when grow up have a very weak immunity level. Poor diet for long time can weaken our immunity system, when our body lacks nutrition then we will have a weak immune system; over dose of sugar is another most prominent cause for lack or say weak immunity system; excessive drinking harms the immunity system. A good sleep is essential for our body because it helps our body to rebuilt, without adequate sleep immune system becomes weak because it doesn’t get a chance to rebuild. Stress and dehydration are other foremost reason for weak immunity. Overuse of prescribed or non prescribed medicinal use can also reduce immunity. Chemical exposure, UV, and radiation exposure- all these damage the immune system.

A good hygiene care is very important to maintain a strong immune system. Too much exposure to germs may stress the body beyond what it could handle. Exercise is very important to keep a good immune system. Exercise helps to increase the blood flow which helps cleansing the body of certain toxins and waste products. Lack of exercise slows down this process and it results a weak immune system. Obesity is also one of the reasons for having lower level of immunity.

If any of the reason is making you weak by immunity, then you should visit a specialist to get your immunity cured. There are numbers of good immunologists in Delhi region itself, such as immunologists in janakpuri. The immunologists in paschim vihar and the immunologists in rajauri garden are expert in immunotherapy treatment and diagnose for patients lacking immunity or have a weak immunity system.

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Jan 24, 2013 Posted Under: Other

Potatoes Can Lower Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar

One of my favorite veggies is potatoes. I love French fries, but I eat them baked more than anything else. Potatoes are loaded with carbs that is why moderation and how you prepare them is important when it comes to your health. A baked potato contains 1,137 milligrams of potassium than a banana and that is twice more than what a banana has; and almost a third of the DV of this mineral.

The main nutrients from the potato comes from the peel, which contains an anticarcinogenic compound called photogenic acid, says Mary Ellen Camire, PhD, professor in the department of food science and human nutrition at the University of Maine in Orono. In laboratory studies, this particular acid has been proven to help the fiber in potatoes absorb benzo (a) pyrene, a potential carcinogen found in smoked foods such as grilled hamburgers.

Reduces Pressure
Potatoes have a high dose of potassium, which can help lower high blood pressure. Increasing this mineral in your diet could reduce your need for blood pressure medication according to, Earl Mindell, Rph, PhD, professor emeritus of nutrition at Pacific Western University in Los Angeles and author of Earl Mindell’s Food as Medicine. In one study of 54 people with high blood pressures, half added potassium rich foods like potatoes to their diets, while the other half kept their normal diet. At the end of the study, Dr. Mindell says, 81 percent were able to control their blood pressures with less than half of the medication they had used previously.

Potatoes are very valuable in moderation. They also contain Vitamin C, which is known to prevent heart disease; this may be of help to people with diabetes. Vitamin C may also be effective at diminishing the damage to proteins caused by free radical, dangerous molecules that damage tissues in the body. Eating five servings of potatoes, a week can raise the risk of diabetes.

Because they are high in complex carbohydrates, potatoes are good for people who have diabetes. Complex carbohydrates must be broken down into simple sugars before they can absorb into the bloodstream. What this means is, that the sugars enter the bloodstream in a leisurely fashion rather than pouring in all at once. The benefit of this process results in keeping the blood sugar at down, which is a very critical part of controlling the disease.

Potatoes play a key role in keeping the weight down. Being overweight makes it more difficult for the body to produce enough insulin. Potatoes are loaded with fiber; it helps control appetite by making you feel full longer. This vegetable is also low in calories.

Did you know that potatoes have cancer-fighting abilities, which lies in the skin of the potato? This is another great reason to take advantage of it. Most importantly, when eating grilled foods it leaves a small amount of cancer-causing substances on the food and consuming the spud can help block these harmful substances.

Cooking tip: Instead of boiling the potatoes, baking and steaming them are more beneficial. Boiling them takes away most of the nutritients. If you do decide to toss them in hot water, you can recapture the nutrients by using the potato water for other foods such as soups and stews.

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Jan 19, 2013 Posted Under: Other

Common Myths About Gout

For those of us who suffer from gout, finding the right treatments and information is crucial. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths out there about gout. Here, we will examine a few of the most common myths about gout and symptoms and help get to the truth behind them.

Gout Medication Can Cure the Problem

This myth is one that many people seem to believe, and it is even one that many doctors perpetuate. Yet if you look at any medical study or text, you will note that physicians are in full agreement that there is no cure for gout. Not only does pharmaceutical intervention not cure gout, but lowering uric acid levels too rapidly can even cause a painful gout attack.

Gout and Symptoms Only Do Damage During Attacks

This is another commonly held belief among gout patients. The truth of the matter, however, is that inflammation and uric acid crystals can cause damage and deformity even when you are not experiencing a gout attack. In addition to joint damage, high uric acid levels can also affect the kidneys, the heart, and other critical body systems, as well as increasing the risks of stroke and diabetes.

Doctors Don’t Know Much about Gout

While it is true that the reasons why some people get gout and others do not are unclear, another important truth is that doctors actually know a great deal about gout. In fact, the disease is quite well understood within the medical community. While not all doctors offer the right treatments and many forget the benefits of diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle, you will find that many doctors are very knowledgeable about these things and can be a very valuable resource when looking for the best ways to treat your condition in both the short and long terms.

The bottom line is that there are many misconceptions out there regarding gout. While it is always wise to do your own research and to always be on the lookout for the best treatment options for you, it is important to know truth from fiction. There is much you can do to alleviate your gout symptoms and to prevent attacks, and with the right information you can come up with a very effective gout treatment. You must always do your research when choosing option to alleviate your gout pain. I know at times you would eat dirt to get rid of the pain, just remember not everyone out there has your health in mind

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Jan 16, 2013 Posted Under: Mental Health

Opinions on ADHD

Opinions on ADHD vary widely and are molded and packaged to fit neatly into one point of view or another. A couple of these opinions on ADHD that most accept as fact are that ADHD is solely neurologically or biologically based and prescription stimulant medications are without a doubt the best way to treat the disorder. In this article we will explore these two so-called facts in a little more depth.

In our discussion why don’t we start with the first of these opinions on ADHD and see if we can’t shoot some holes through what most medical professionals, and parents of over 10,000,000 children taking stimulant medications have been lead to believe, accept as fact.

When scientist, researchers, drug reps, and doctors talk neurological or biological based they are talking about an imbalance in brain chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. When it comes to ADHD the two most often mentioned are dopamine primarily and norepinephrine secondarily.

Honestly, from where I am sitting it sounds like a viable possible cause, and after all there have been hundreds of thousands of articles written on the subject by those with many extra letters in front and behind their names giving them that extra credibility we all look for when doing our research.

But when you get right down to it there is no objective test to identify dopamine or norepinephrine abnormalities in the brain. There have also been two very important studies released as of late pointing to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder being a bigger picture problem than just simply a biological disorder.

The first, study used brain scan technology to link differences in the pace of brain development in children and adolescents with ADHD behaviors. Put simply, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tend to develop the areas of the brain linked to self-regulation slower than their peers. As these areas begin to mature ADHD symptoms disappear. If these areas remain underdeveloped symptoms persist.

Now let’s take our premise a step further and say since we don’t know for sure if neurotransmitter chemicals such as dopamine and norepinephrine are the cause we really don’t know what type of long-term effects stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall may have on brain development.

Could these drugs actually slow growth in the areas of the brain in charge of self-regulation to a point where someone might become dependent on the medications for the rest of their life?

The truth is no one can tell you without a doubt that our radical statement above if false. The fact is we simply don’t know and likely will not know the answer for decades if ever.

According to Professor John Breeding, Ph.D., Psychologist ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) could be caused by any combination of physical problems, emotional problems, system problems, educational shortfalls, over stimulation through excess video game playing or television watching, sleep irregularities, family trauma, physical trauma, and child abuse. He goes on to deliver the thought provoking statement that “Failure to adjust is the result of mental illness and failure to adjust in school is ADHD.”.

Our medical professionals seem to be quick to tell us that prescription stimulants are safe and there is nothing much to really worry about. Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration classifies prescription stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall as controlled substances right alongside cocaine and methamphetamine?

Once again we have an opinion on ADHD that prescription stimulants are generally the best treatment option and very safe but this seems not to be based in fact.

Few would argue that a child that concentrates poorly, doesn’t remember well, regularly loses things, exhibits impulsive behavior, and is incessantly disorganized will be at a disadvantage in school.

What seems to be clear is that stimulant medications do help level the playing field in the short-term but what we don’t know is at what cost. Additionally, new research seems to suggest that these harsh medications lose their effectiveness over time and do not provide any long-term benefits.

On the other hand statistics seem to support the belief that behavioral therapy combined with homeopathic ADHD remedies do provide side effect free long-term benefits about 60 percent of the time.

In conclusion, opinions on ADHD seem to multiply with each passing day with many gaining undeserved factual status. For parents trying to determine the best treatment option for their children this creates a slippery slope.

According to John Breeding, Ph.D., every parent should ask these three questions when someone tells you attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is biological thus requiring stimulant medications: ” Could you show me the lab tests. Can you do a test to diagnose or identify this chemical abnormality? Could you show me the scientific literature whereby you can identify the signs and distinguish between someone who has this disorder and someone who does not?”.

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Jan 12, 2013 Posted Under: Diseases

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease that is characterized by irritation and red skin. Although this disease is fairly common today, the exact cause of psoriasis is yet to be determined. Hence there are several remedial measures for this disease. According to recent studies, genetics plays an important role in occurence of psoriasis. There is no permanent solution to this problem. Psoriasis is one of the few diseases to be termed incurable. This is because it can return even after long periods of absence. Alcohol, allergies and climatic conditions have also been known to trigger this skin condition.

It is generally believed that psoriasis occurs when immune system of the human body identifies healthy skin cells as unsafe. Hence most treatment methods focus on strengthening the immune system. The most common form of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis. It is characterized by silvery patches on the skin. Knees and elbows are the places where psoriasis is most likely to appear. However, they can appear on any part of the skin, including palms, scalp and genitals. The degree of psoriasis infection varies from person to person. It may appear as patches or cover an entire area. The degree of infection has to be considered while choosing a treatment method.

In recent times, home remedies for psoriasis have become quite popular among the affected individuals. Among the various home remedies, warm Epsom salt bath has proven to be quite effective. After the bath, one may apply lotion or olive oil to keep the affected area moisturized. Dryness can aggravate the condition. Hence one should always keep the affected area moisturized. The ultraviolet rays are also effective at curing psoriasis. Today, there are psoriasis treatments available where the affected area is exposed to artificial ultraviolet rays. However such treatments are expensive and cannot be afforded by everyone. A much cheaper alternative is to get more sunlight. Sunlight promotes Vitamin D production in the body. Vitamin D is an effective tool against psoriasis.

Diet is another important factor that should be considered by psoriasis victims. Home grown and organic foods have been known to cure this disease. Bitter gourd is beneficial in this skin condition. Most psoriasis home remedies include a daily cup of bitter gourd juice. Since bitter gourd is extremely bitter, one can mix it with lime juice or honey.

Chemical treatments are also available as far as psoriasis is concerned. Most of them are available without any doctor’s prescription. However, natural treatments for psoriasis are always the better choice. They do not involve any expenses and can be easily incorporated into the daily lifestyle of most individuals. Furthermore, there is always the chance of recurrence of this condition. Hence there is no need to go for expensive chemical treatments.

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Jan 11, 2013 Posted Under: Other

Arthritis Pain Lessened Through Bioenergy Therapy

84 Year Old Male

An 84-year-old male was recently treated for arthritis in his right hand. The knuckles in his thumb, all the way back to the joint near his wrist, were swollen to twice the size of his other hand. The entire area was discolored. It was so painful that he couldn’t open his hand and had no use of his thumb. He had experienced the arthritis for many years. In the past, he had sought medical treatment for the pain. He received painful injections of cortisone into the joint of his hand which gave only temporary relief. When asked to evaluate the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst pain, he placed his pain level at a 10.

Pain Level

One of the first things a bioenergy therapist will ask when dealing with pain, is to find out from the client about the pain level. While this client had a pain level of 10, it’s not uncommon to find someone who complains strongly about pain, rating the level at 5 to 6. The therapist needs to understand as much as possible about the client’s experience.

Energy Work

Next, this man learned how the therapy worked:

  • His hand would be treated energetically 4 days in a row.
  • This would be followed by a full week of NO therapy.
  • The process involved only the use of light touch (energy).
  • He could possibly feel tingling sensations, warmth, heaviness, pressure or nothing while undergoing the therapy.
  • He would need to allow his hand to heal by not over-using it when it felt better.

An analogy would be drinking lots of water and resting in bed when you have a cold. If you don’t, it takes longer to get well.

Initial Therapy

After the initial treatment, this man looked incredulous. He honestly couldn’t believe it. He insisted that he wasn’t kidding and that his hand didn’t hurt near as much as it had prior to the therapy. He sat moving his hand, making a fist and opening his thumb in disbelief.

He truly thought after sleeping through the night, he would awaken with the same pain. But, the following morning, the swelling was less, the discoloration slightly less, and he could still partially use his hand.

Following the Four Days

The swelling was minimal, the discoloration much less, the pain almost gone, and the use of his hand was greatly improved. It was still not the same as the other hand. He reported that he decided that his hand would always hurt a little. That he couldn’t expect it to be like the other hand.


Many people entering therapy are afraid to set any expectations. Those suffering with arthritis have generally had the pain for a long time. They also normally have limited use of particular joints and they’ve grown to expect a worsening condition.

Laying on of hands is not magic. It takes time for the person’s body to heal to whatever degree it is able to heal. And, everyone’s body is different. Many people with arthritis need multiple 4-day sessions to continue making progress.

Healing By Distance

In the case cited above, this man needed additional treatment by distance during a second 4-day session. As he received bioenergy therapy by distance, he reported feeling a pulling on his thumb and it began to ache. This often happens when working with pain. The pain may seem to intensify while working on the area energetically or after the therapy is completed. However, following the aching, many times the pain will lessen to a 1 or 0 on the pain scale.

Follow Up

This man’s first question was if he could return to playing golf. It was imperative that he give his body a chance to heal as fully as possible after receiving the energy. Waiting a couple of weeks before hitting a golf ball was not a long time. If some pain returned at that point, he was to wait another couple of weeks before trying again.

It’s important to understand this distinction: this man may always have arthritis, but he doesn’t need to suffer the symptoms of arthritis. Just as an AIDS patient may always test positive for AIDS, but no longer suffer the symptoms of the long held disease.

Our Internal Wisdom

Our bodies are wise. They know when they’ve healed enough to begin a new activity. When a person experiences long-term arthritis pain, it’s difficult for them to believe that anything can make a difference. Once they do begin to feel better, they want to hurry and begin doing everything that has been limited in the past. It’s like they want to make up for lost time!

The secret is to listen to your body’s wisdom.

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