Archive for September, 2011

Sep 25, 2011 Posted Under: Mental Health

Do I Have Depression?

Do you think you have symptoms of depression? Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy, or lost the zeal you used to have for life or suddenly adopted some dangerous lifestyle? If yes, it could be you have depression. But if it’s depression, what type of depression? That is, are you suffering from major depression also known as clinical depression or a less serious form of depression?

Some types of the common depression are:

*Major depressive disorder also known as major depression and clinical depression

*Dysthymic disorder

*Manic depression

*Symptoms common to the above types of depression are:

*Lost of interest in daily activities

*Regular feelings of sadness

*Regular feelings of helplessness and hopelessness

*Feelings of worthlessness

*Significant weight lost or weight gain as a result of your lack of eating or over eating.

*Changes in sleep pattern.
Mexico medications
*Feeling restless and on edge all the time.

*Easily agitated.

*Regular feelings of lack of strength or energy. Feeling fatigue, sluggish and physically drained.

*Finding it difficult to concentrate.

*Regular feelings of aches and pain. Headaches, back pain, aches in the muscles and stomach pain.

*Thoughts of death or suicide.

*Having trouble making decisions.

If you are experiencing most of these symptoms consistently for at least two weeks, then you’re suffering from clinical depression. But don’t panic, clinical depression can be successfully treated with a combination of antidepressant and cognitive behavioral therapy.

If it turns out you may be suffering from depression, talk to your doctor about it, he or she will be able to direct you to a qualified doctor who will discuss with you effective treatment options.

What if it is Adjustment disorder or Situational Depression?

Adjustment disorder also known as situation depression is depressive symptoms developed in response to specific stressful situation or event. A depression that result due to a significant change in your life. If you have moods, try to remember the last events and think if they could cause your depression. This is the way used to determine whether a person is suffering from clinical or situational depression.

Often this type of depression doesn’t need medicine and it’s short lived, at most 6 months. You may overcome it without doing anything or simply my building your coping skills and/or talking through your feelings with a therapist.

To build your coping skills, find what makes you feel good about you and your life. Resist getting caught up with people’s perception of you. Live your life and do what you want. Find what is going to make you happy regardless of any other factor and aim to achieve that for yourself. If you find it difficult to do it alone, get a therapist and do some soul searching.

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Sep 23, 2011 Posted Under: Cancer

Colorectal Cancer: 5 Tips For Preventing It

For the prevention of colorectal cancer also know as colon cancer or bowel cancer you can take some easy precautions.

Here are 5 tips that help in preventing this dangerous cancer:

Attention To Warning Signs

After the age of 50 it is recommended to pay attention to intestinal cancer symptoms. These symptoms or warning signs can be such as the presence of blood in the stool. To have this done correctly you should perform thorough checks from time to time. Fecal occult blood test is the most established screening method and it’s recommended to all those over 50 years, men and women, even without any specific risk factor. Another examination method is the colonoscopy. This is particularly suited for patients at high risk, when the screening test has resulted positive.

Periodic Checks In Cases Of A Family History With Colon Cancer

In cases of a family history of colon cancer, it is recommended to contact specialists for periodic checks, from an early age, from 40 years onwards.

Healthy Diet

For a correct prevention of the intestinal cancer it is very important to follow a healthy diet. The diet must be low in animal fats and proteins and high in fiber. It is recommended the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Regular Physical Activity

In a study based on analysis of data collected previously by a group of U.S. researchers, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, the risk of colon cancer mortality was lower in people who practiced regular physical activity, compared to those who had a sedentary lifestyle which included lack of exercise. This research based on data from the American Cancer Society Prevention Study II, has evaluated more than 150.000 subjects of both sexes and lasted from 1981 to 2006.

The analysis showed that regular exercise doesn’t influence on the incidence of colon cancer, but influences the risk of mortality from this disease.
The researchers concluded that taking regular physical exercise increases the chances of survival in intestinal cancer patients.

Don’t Smoke

Three American Cancer Society epidemiologists followed for 13 years over 184.000 people who initially had no sign of disease. The study, all dedicated to the damages of smoking was published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention in December 2009.

At the end of the observation it was clear that those who smoked had a higher probability of 27% of developing colon cancer than those who had never smoked. Among those who had managed to stop the risk went down a bit, but remained 23 percent higher than that of non-smokers.

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Sep 21, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

How to Prevent Mold Allergy at Home

Common allergens like house dust and pet hair are often overlooked. But they can do more harm in long term than any other disease. House dust has a number of ingredients: tiny fibers from furniture, animal dander, microscopic bits of human skin, food remnants, detergent fragments, and more. house-dust mites, insects too small to be seen by the naked eye, ticks, spiders etc have been the point of research for a lot of allergists. They can live almost anywhere in the house and are found in greatest numbers in beds, furniture, and rugs. Another common allergen is mold spores, especially that of black mold.

Fragments of the mites themselves can be allergens, as can substances found in their droppings. A thorough housecleaning to reduce the amount of dust and the number of mites is essential for anyone with house-dust allergy. Doctors will suspect house-dust allergy if the patient suffers year round symptoms that flare up during spring cleaning or at other times when the amount of dust in the air is increased.

How to prevent mold allergies at home:

1. Regular cleaning for household items: Start with mattresses, box springs, and pillows, which should then be put in dust-proof covers. Mattress should be removed from the bedroom of the allergy sufferer. Floors (and the rest of the room) should be cleaned at least once a week.

2. Keeping the dampness controlled reduces black mold formation: Humidity should be kept low, because house mites grow only when the humidity is more than 20%. packed and ornate furniture should be kept out of the allergic person’s room because it traps so much dust. Pets, furs, stuffed animals, and other potential sources of allergens should also be banished from the person’s room.

3. Eradicate the Molds: Cleaning the house to get rid of molds requires other steps. Molds grow readily in the warm, damp atmosphere of bathrooms; these should be kept well ventilated and cleaned thoroughly, with a fungicide if necessary. Damp basements can also be breeding grounds for molds; a dehumidifier can reduce their growth.

4. Clean those bed and pillow covers: Pillows are another potential source, they develop molds with time and usage and hence should be replaced every year or two. You should consider switching to anti allergen pillow covers or bed covers. They provide good protection against molds and other micro allergens. You should also use anti allergen detergents to sanitize the upholstery at home.

5. Clean the AC filters: Air conditioners can have both good and bad effects on allergy patients. If air conditioner filters are not cleaned or replaced regularly, they can collect molds and pollens. But if air conditioners are kept in the recirculating mode so they do not draw in air from outside and if their filters are kept clean, they can reduce the amount of allergens in the air appreciably. If you have allergies to mold, you should make it a point to clean the air conditioner filters frequently.

6. Using Air filters: Electronic air-filtering machines are even more effective. These sophisticated services, based on space-program technology, can remove as much as 99% of airborne pollutants. The most effective are so-called HEPA, or high-energy particulate-arresting, filters. These tend to be expensive, costing about as much as an air conditioner. Some machines combine HEPA and charcoal filters for even greater efficiency.

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Sep 17, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Early Hair Loss

When Steve was 18, he looked in the mirror one day and noticed something shocking. He was losing his hair. Where there had once been volume, there was now thinning along the hairline.

Was his forehead getting larger or was it his hairline that was receding? How could this be? He was in the prime of his youth, still in high school and concerned with his image.

At that age, fitting in, making friends, looking for girlfriends are all critical to one’s psycho-social development. At this age, hair loss can be devastating and take a toll on one’s confidence, self-esteem and peer relationships.

Because it is so unexpected, shocking and unwanted, a young man can be traumatized. He may look for ways to cope – wear a baseball hat, grow his hair long and try to cover up the thinning areas, compensating by becoming the class clown or by going to the other extreme and withdrawing.

Writing in the 2005 British Medical Journal, Nigel Hunt and Sue McHale found that, “Alopecia (hair loss) is a form of disfigurement that can affect a person’s sense of self and identity. It can be associated with serious psychological consequences, particularly in relation to anxiety and depression.”

A young teenager or man at this young age is vulnerable to his peers and societal norms and may worry about not being attractive to the opposite sex, looking older or not as handsome, and may question his virility.

After all, historically, men and their hair have been associated closely with virility. Samson in the Old Testament, derives his strength from his hair to fend off the Philistines and loses his power when Delilah orders a servant to have it shaved.

Men with long hair (think Fabio), exuding sex appeal and virility, grace the covers of women’s romance novels.

According to Lynne Luciano, author of the book, Looking Good, Male Body Image in Modern America, “A full head of hair typically has been synonymous with youth and virility, yet 20% of men begin to lose their hair by their twenties, and by age sixty, most experience substantial male pattern baldness.”

She goes on to say that, “Despite the emotional distress caused by hair loss, American men in the twentieth century have been expected to be indifferent to balding and to regard efforts at remedying or disguising it as shamefully vain.”

So, what’s a young man to do?

First realize, there is no shame in looking good. If you are like Steve, you investigate all your hair restoration options – go to a dermatologist, try preventive medications such as Propecia, inquire about hair pieces or hair transplant surgery.

Steve eventually tried them all and after wearing a hairpiece for six years, decided to have a hair transplant.

Over the past decade, hair transplant technology has come into its own. Gone are the ‘plugs’ from the 1980s. Modern advances in both technique and technology allow for more realistic and undetectable outcomes.

He found a surgeon who regularly performs follicular unit transplantation (FUT), the most up-to-date and accurate form of surgery, and is happy with his natural-looking, soft results.

Although he doesn’t have the hair and density he had before losing it, at his current age of 49, when Steve looks in the mirror, he no longer sees a bald man looking back and to paraphrase the retail store, Men’s Warehouse, “He likes like the way he looks.”

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Sep 15, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Natural Blood Pressure Remedies

Hypertension is an ever-increasing problem in modern society. This makes information on natural blood pressure remedies all the more relevant. But let us first look at why the problem is growing!

For those who keep up with current affairs and news it has been impossible to avoid reading the news stories about the bad trends regarding obesity. In most countries around the word this is a growing problem.

It is not genetic, it is self-inflicted. The age on convenience foods and processed foods is what is causing the problem. People are getting less exercise and eating too much convenience food!

So why is it any surprise that more and more people are overweight? It should not be a surprise! There is a direct and undeniable correlation between emerging lifestyle trends and obesity. And the knock-on effect on trends with hypertension problems is equally undeniable.

The only way natural blood pressure remedies will work is if individuals are prepared to accept the fact that it is their current lifestyle which is causing the problem. They also need to go one step further and acknowledge that they need to change their lifestyle. Then they need to follow through on that commitment.

Your doctor will confirm to you that well over 90% of hypertension issues cannot be pinpointed to an underlying health issue. This confirms the poor lifestyle theory unquestionably.

Assuming that you are prepared to entertain lifestyle changes, the good news is that natural blood pressure remedies are extremely effective. Of course, your other option is to keep treating your body badly and get a prescription from your doctor! Because blood pressure can also be controlled effectively with medication!

Your doctor cannot force you to change your lifestyle, which is why he will most likely encourage the prescription solution. He has probably seen too many patients who have promised to take action. Only to see them again 6 months later and find that they were all talk and no action!

Natural blood pressure remedies are not quick fixes! They are not magic solutions! They require a long-term commitment on your part. If you cannot make that commitment then do not even attempt natural solutions! The only person you are fooling is yourself!

There are a number of good guides to natural blood pressure remedies available. They will all deal with the key areas which require your attention and action.

You will need to change your diet by switching away from processed foods and introducing more healthy choices. You will enjoy more salads and less French fries. You will need to commit to more fresh, natural foods. The good news is that you will quickly discover that you are not sacrificing taste!

Of course you will need to address your body fat index. Do you know what the recommended body weight is for you? You need to find that out. Natural blood pressure remedies will require you to introduce an appropriate fitness plan into your daily routine. You need to get more active.

Too many people look for the perfect herb, or a supplement that will magically solve their problems forever! There are great supplements and herbs out there, but if you are getting all caught up in that kind of thinking you are missing the whole point about natural blood pressure remedies!

However, if you understand and agree that you are going to have to discard the lifestyle which has contributed to your problems then you are on the right track!

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Sep 14, 2011 Posted Under: Diseases

How to Treat Contact Dermatitis

The primary goal of contact dermatitis treatment is to identify the substance causing the reaction and remove or avoid it. This could take several days or weeks of avoiding certain substances. If you cannot identify the cause of your skin reaction, you may need to undergo a skin patch test.

In a patch test, a small amount of the suspected substance is applied to the skin and covered with tape. Another patch without the substance on it is also attached to the skin. Both patches are removed after a period of time. If your skin is red and swollen under the suspect patch, and not under the other patch, you are probably allergic to that substance.

The symptoms of contact dermatitis may vary from person to person. Scratching and rubbing can cause or worsen some symptoms. The rash is usually confined to the area where the contact with the substance occurred, but occasionally may spread. If contact with the substance occurred all over the body, such as with a body lotion, the rash may be large.

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition.

• Contact with an irritant or allergen

• Allergies to certain substances, such as plants, chemicals, or medications

Symptoms include:

• Itching

• Redness

• Swelling

• Blisters

• Crusting, oozing, and scaling

• Temporary thickening of the skin

Treatment also focuses on caring for skin and relieving symptoms.

Methods include:

Skin Care

• Wash the area with water and mild soap or cleanser and gently pat dry.

• Apply a barrier ointment such as petrolatum or vaseline.

• Do not poke at or cut open blisters. They can become infected.

• Cover blisters with dry bandages.

To prevent contact dermatitis:

• Identify the allergens and irritants that cause the condition and try to avoid them.

• If you have to come into contact with these substances, wear gloves and protective clothing.

• Use protective skin cream and take care of your skin

Do not use any of these medications until after you have discussed them with your doctor.

• Over-the-counter or prescription creams and ointments containing cortisone

• Prescription medications containing corticosteroids, such as prednisone (for severe cases)

• Prescription or over-the-counter antihistamines (may relieve itching in some cases, but not always useful for contact dermatitis)

• Phototherapy or immunosuppressants, such as menthotrexate or cyclosporine, in the most severe, resistant, and chronic cases

For more information read on contact dermatitis treatment regarding its treatments as well as advices and tips from a respective medical professional.

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Sep 08, 2011 Posted Under: Asthma

Staying One Step Ahead of Asthma Attacks Through Natural Asthma Relief Methods

Asthma is perhaps one of the most common ailments in the world. In the United States, more than 20 million individuals are affected with asthma. It accounts for one-quarter of all the visits to the emergency rooms all over the country.

Despite its prevalence, many people still have misconceptions regarding this respiratory illness. For many of them, asthma is just a simple ailment. The truth is asthma should not be treated lightly. Asthma is the leading cause of school absences for children 5 to 17 years old. Among adults, asthma is the fourth leading reason for work absenteeism.

That is why it is very essential for asthma patients to take good care of themselves. If not, chances are they are going to spend 3 days of hospitalization annually. Worse, they may even suffer from the fatal effects of asthma. Yes, this is no joke. Asthma and asthma attacks can kill. In fact, it is estimated that 11 Americans die from asthma complications each day.

It is not enough to regularly exercise, observe proper hygiene or install state-of-the-art ventilation systems in your house to prevent potential allergens from causing an asthma attack. The truth is you can never completely get rid of asthma trigger factors. So it is important for you to be ready. Being an asthma patient is like being a soldier. You need to be one step ahead of your enemy so that you can win a battle.

It is always best to keep an asthma remedy by your side just in case you will get asthma attacks. For many patients, they put their trust in inhalers. Asthma inhalers may be effective, but sucking on them may seem sort of discomforting for other people.


Fortunately, there are alternative asthma remedies that are very handy and very easy to apply. Among the trusted reliever for asthma attacks are homeopathic solutions. Most of these homeopathic solutions can be sprayed under the patient’s tongue and will not require vigorous sucking.

What is more, homeopathic asthma relievers are made up of 100 percent natural ingredients. You never have to worry about any side-effects rising from them. Before they go out of the market, manufacturers make sure that they go through numerous testing. And the great thing is that they do not only cure asthma symptoms, but they also help improve the patient’s overall respiratory health.

Don’t make the mistake of not bringing these homeopathic asthma relievers wherever you go. Asthma is treacherous. You never know when it is going to attack. So always think about safety and always arm yourself with homeopathic asthma relievers.

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Sep 07, 2011 Posted Under: Other

How to Use Hypnosis to Help Quit Smoking

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. No one can, without an intimidating lever, hypnotize anyone else. What I mean by “intimidating lever” is, for example, someone pointing a gun at your head. That will immediately put anyone into a primary state of hypnosis. They will do exactly as they are told. That is, in fact, hypnosis. The “power of suggestion” on steroids!

But what I am writing about here is the ability for one to hypnotize ones self out of being a smoker. This process is in truth a de-hypnotizing one. For every smoker, every single one, is in a state of hypnosis.

As a student of hypnosis, I learned that hypnosis is actually nothing more than relaxation, concentration, and cooperation. Self-hypnosis is that state we’ve all been in so many times when we’ve only thought of it as memorizing our own new telephone number, or watching a television show.

One must be in a state of hypnosis to a large degree in order to perform either of these tasks. For this to apply to your needs, you must understand that you do not need an extensive course on hypnosis to be able to hypnotize yourself right now.

It is as simple as this. Find a comfortable spot to recline. Recliner chairs work well, but a bed or couch will work just as well. Begin to relax each and every muscle in your body by consciously thinking about that set of muscles until you feel them tingle without moving them.

Begin with your toes and work your way very slowly up your body, paying much attention to your diaphragm area, and your neck muscles. Contact each area of your face and head with your mind. While doing this, count backward from twenty, and loosely assign a number to each area of your body, starting with your toes as twenty. Then, as you move your concentration upward, count backward.

By the time you get to your head, you should be at five. Then relax your face, neck, scalp, etc. with the last numbers, ending with zero. This way, each time you do the exercise, as you count the number, your body will know what area you want it to relax. After a half dozen exercises, you will be amazed at how fast you can completely relax your physical body by counting backward.

Opening up your body and mind to self-hypnosis really is this simple.

Next, fantasize the most pleasant scene you can to relax your mind. It may be a scene from your past, or one you hope to have in the future. I tend to think of a beach in Thailand. Or perhaps you are more of an indoor person.

Whatever your image is, picture details in bright color. If there are or were sounds, listen for them.

Once you have accomplished a state of as nearly complete relaxation as the above can bring you. Begin to remember the approximate time when you began smoking. First the general time in your life, then zoom in tighter and tighter until you bring yourself back to that moment when that decision was made. See yourself from a few feet away, watching that younger, more naive and foolish person before you, making that first serious, life-threatening mistake. Yell out (silently) to him/her. Say whatever you can to convince her/him not to proceed, even though you may believe that this will do no good.

Next, go inside that young body and brain and see the cigarette in your hand. Remember if you were sitting or standing. If you can’t remember, this may come to you after a few exercises. If it does not, put yourself sitting or standing or whatever position you believe you may have been in.

Are you alone? What time of day is it? Are you near a window? In a car? See as much detail as you can.

Now listen for that older person (you, as you are today) out there in front of you, imploring you not to do this. Remember yourself ignoring that voice of conscience you heard back then and faintly hear now. Each time you do the exercise, move toward deciding not to smoke.

As quickly as you feel it is credible, see yourself putting the cigarette back into the pack and deciding not to become a smoker. Work to make that a real memory.

At first, this may seem a waste of time. The relaxation will feel good, but remaking the decision may seem futile. After all, you “know” how you decided.

You have the evidence, your habit. But the more you do the exercise (I recommend a minimum of once a day, just before you go to sleep), the more your brain will begin to get the mixed message and begin to question the original decision and memory.

After all, it cannot tell the difference in reality between this image of the event and the original one. It’s only measure as to which program to follow is by measuring with how much passion, commitment, and detail the program (memory) was installed (remembered).

So the more you can allow yourself to believe that you can indeed change that decision that lies so deeply embedded in your brain and body, the faster you will actually get it changed. Once it has changed over 50%, you will be very nearly at the end of your habit.

Of course, somewhere in my brain is still the recorded memory of how I started to smoke and the vague memories of smoking. But in my body, the part that runs my habits, I feel no attachment to cigarettes whatsoever. I have no desire, nor feel any resistance. Only a natural revulsion to the smoke, and the emotional regret at seeing the genocidal conspiracy the wealthy tobacco peddlers continue to perpetrate upon mankind.

Using this technique will definitely disturb your habit at its root. Of course we cannot change the past. We can only change the way we remember it, and the effect that those memories have on us today. We can do that, and you must do that in order to completely remove the habit, rather than “cap” it, and simply deny it is there.

This habit is just like the weeds we find in our gardens. Unless we pull them up by the full roots, they may well begin to grow again, robbing our valuable fruits and vegetables of the nutrients they need to grow to their optimum. Your cigarette habit is doing the same to your nutrients in your body.

Use hypnosis to dig that habit out of your psyche by the root. Once done, it will NEVER come back.

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