Archive for the 'Mental Health' Category

Sep 28, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

What Causes Anxiety Panic Attack Disorders

Psychological research claims that there is no specific reason why a person may suffer from anxiety panic attacks. Panic attacks often occur when a person’s extreme fear was triggered by a particular event or situation. Anxiety panic attacks are alarming for people who suffer the consequences of attacks. Normal daily activities are disrupted and thus interactions with society. This article will seek to explain why some people suffer from this disorder?

· Genetics- there are studies conducted by medical researchers claiming that anxiety disorders often run in the family. So it is easy for the person to trace where and how he or she acquired the disorder.

· Nutritional Deficiencies- lack of zinc or magnesium is a risk factor that causes imbalance in hormones and which may lead to the disorder.

· Anxiety Sensitivity- people who experience physiological symptoms like chest pains often mistake them to be heart attacks. With these notions, a person has greater risk of developing the disorder

· History of abuse- A person who was physically abused during their childhood has greater chances of acquiring it in their adulthood. Constant reminders of place or situation will trigger the anxiety. If a person was sexually abused during his or her childhood, their sex life will also suffer due to their anxiety of the trauma.

· Physical illnesses- medication can also bring on anxiety panic attacks. Medicines can cause chemical reactions in the brain. I remember my attacks began after being given general anesthesia for a sinus related surgery.

· Stress- this is a major factors that causes anxiety panic attacks in a person. It could be work related, peer pressure, or rejection. Divorce and stressful family events could also trigger an attack.

· Pregnancy- any woman who experiences difficulties during her pregnancy has the tendency to develop an anxiety panic attack. She will be anxious of the outcome of her pregnancy whether her baby will be healthy after delivery. If not controlled, this anxiety attack will develop into post partum depression after giving birth.
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There are of course other reasons why a person suffers from an anxiety. They often develop the disorder from their everyday activities. The normal fear of failure in a simple task can pose a bigger problem if it occupies one’s mind.

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Sep 15, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

Helping Panic Attacks

The best methods of helping panic attacks are mental techniques. Methods like deep breathing exercises and progressive relaxation treat physical symptoms, but not mental symptoms like fearing eminent doom or death. The art of gratitude has been proven by scientific research to change the body’s chemistry in beneficial ways to stop panic attacks. Read on to learn how to implement the art of gratitude to lower general anxiety and stop panic attacks.

Gratitude or genuine appreciation has been proven to naturally bring peace to the body and mind. This fact is verified by scientific studies at the Heart Math Institute as well as many fortune 500 companies that use this technique to reduce work related stress.

Helping Panic Attacks with the Art of Gratitude

  • First, close your eyes and concentrate on your heart.
  • Imagine a warm glow radiating from the center of your chest.
  • Put your hand on your heart (if you are at work or in public pretend that your hand is on your heart.
  • Envision the center of your chest glowing warmly for 1-2 minutes.
  • Concentrate on something you genuinely appreciate. Do not force this feeling! Your family or children may not naturally evoke the feeling of pure appreciation on some days. You could think about your health, friends, your car or even a sunny day. Anything that truly inspires you to feel a warm sense of gratitude and appreciation.
  • You can do this technique for a few minutes or a half an hour. You want to keep concentrating until you switch your awareness from anxious thoughts to your body.

If done correctly you will notice a very positive change in your emotional state. Gratitude and appreciation are emotions that instinctively cause you to feel less anxiety and more serene.

This technique will work the very first time you try it, but it works even better as part of your daily routine. Your response with this technique gets better and faster every time you do it. With practice you will be able to switch to a more positive state in a matter of seconds rather than minutes.

The art of gratitude has proven to be effective at helping panic attacks by switching your attention from your anxiety to your body. By inducing gratitude you can use this powerful technique to reduce your anxiety symptoms or even make them go away.

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Sep 08, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

Causes of Panic Disorder

Although a lot of research has gone into finding out more about panic disorders, there seems to be no conclusive evidence as to the causes of panic disorders. The only thing that is clear is that for some reason, the body seems to go into panic mode and feel very threatened when there is actually no threat.
Most of what has been put forward as causing panic disorders comes from observing shared characteristics between people who suffer them.

It is quite inconclusive what the causes of panic disorder are, but the important thing to know is that this disorder is now acknowledged as a medical condition and you can get treatment. Talk to your health care provider or therapist about your symptoms and they will guide you towards treatment that will bring your condition under control.

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Aug 23, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

“Miracle” Autism Treatment

Methyl-B12 has been described as a miracle treatment because of its quick and powerful results in most kids. Find out how this incredible therapy was accidentally discovered. Dr. Kurt Woeller interviews Dr. Neubrander about this highly successful autism treatment.

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Aug 17, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

Depression Treatment

Everyone experiences periods of time when they are sadder than usual, but if those feelings do not seem to go away, there may be something else going on, such as depression. The most common symptoms of depression include thoughts of suicide, trouble falling and staying asleep and feelings of anxious hopelessness. If someone thinks their sadness may actually be depression, they should not waste any time discussing depression treatments with their physician.

When someone notices the symptoms of depression, they may mistake it for typical feelings of sadness. However, the feelings may not be the result of life events but the result of a chemical imbalance in the patient’s brain. If this seems to be the situation, they have many options for depression treatments. If you think you may be suffering from depression, contact your doctor today and begin going over your options.

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Aug 12, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

Anxiety Disorders

In the United States alone, 1 in every 10 Americans struggle with anxiety disorder. Contrary to the popular belief, this is more than just being worried or concerned about a certain situation or event. Anxiety disorders are actually a mental health condition that if left untreated, can cause a person to become unable to function normally in society. Some types of this mental condition can be extremely severe that it prevents a person to be able to keep a job and foster healthy relationships.

An anxiety treatment could also include visualization exercises, supplements of vitamins and nutrients; and breathing exercises that can help patient in deal, again, not only with the symptoms, but with the causes as well. This treatment do not involve any prescribed medicines which can sometimes cause serious side effects. When used it can even result in causing other diseases. Above all, natural ways can decrease the severity of attacks and help you in living a stress free life.

Natural anxiety cure also include changes to lifestyle like maintaining proper diet, regular diet etc. Holistic approach to curing anxiety is considered effective as it attacks the problem from various perspectives at once. This type of approach, again, includes changes to diet, increase in physical activity, breathing and visual exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation.

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Aug 10, 2010 Posted Under: Mental Health

ADHD Causes

In today’s highly industrialized environment, our bodies are constantly under attack by pollutants and harmful substances. Even the air we breathe and the food we eat contains all sorts of toxins, pathogens, and disease-carrying microbes. Without a well-functioning immune system, we wouldn’t live very long.

The immune system is the human body’s main defense system against pathogens and other harmful organisms. It provides two stages of protection: specific defenses and non-specific defenses. Our skin and mucous membranes make up the non-specific defenses, the immune system’s first line of defense that protects our muscles and organs from the outside world. If the non-specific defenses are invaded by an outside threat (e.g., a virus), the specific defenses kick in and detect the microorganisms, which are destroyed before they wreak havoc on our cells.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often found to have one of two kinds of problems with their immune system: either it is weakened or it is over-active. There are many things that can weaken their immune defense, and many of them have to do with poor nutrition. Children with ADHD tend to have unhealthy eating habits – too much processed food, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, and not enough fruits, green leafy vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids. When the immune system is weakened, brain functions don’t work up to par, and other bodily systems are inflamed. The presence of too many processed foods and saturated fats also weakens the production of a hormone called leptin. Leptin is integral for producing white blood cells, an important component of immune system functions. Finally, a weak immune system can also be caused by constant exposure to toxins like mercury and lead, as well as the continued presence of chronic viral infections.

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