Archive for February, 2011

Feb 10, 2011 Posted Under: Massage

How to Become a Massage Therapist

One of the fastest growing fields in medicine right now is massage therapy. More and more doctors are recognizing the benefits of medical massage to provide pain relief for their patients. There are a number of large medical practices which now have a massage therapist on staff and a growing number of insurance companies are providing at least partial coverage for massage when it is medically merited. Professional sports teams are hiring massage therapists to work for them and so are the major college sports programs creating an abundance of opportunities.

To become a massage therapist, it is necessary to complete an educational program. There are schools across the country which specialize just in medical massage and there are programs at community colleges and universities which offer degrees in massage therapy. A minimum of 500 hours of training is required in most states to become a licensed massage therapist. One of the tests that is required for certification is administered by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. You are required to know in detail anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. You also must be able to answer questions pertaining to Therapeutic massage assessment and application. Plus, there is a section on the test that covers professional standards, ethics, business and legal practices.

When you decide to enter the field, you also must decide what type of massage you want to specialize in. There are over 80 types of massage being practiced around the globe which are distinguished by the techniques which are used. Some employ the deep muscle kneading that most of us associate with massage while others use warm oils or even hot stones. There is one type of massage that does not use the hands of the therapists at all, the therapist uses their bare feet. Kamagra gold

Whatever you decide to specialize in, one of the keys to becoming successful is professionalism. Unfortunately, massage has been misused by people who have used it as a front to provide sexual services. It is absolutely critical for the massage therapist to avoid any inappropriate contact with a patient. Make sure that the person is comfortable with what you are doing and always allow them to decide if they want to be clothed or covered up.

There are exciting opportunities for massage therapists to work in a variety of settings. You could choose to be employed in a doctors office, a chiropractic office or sports medicine clinic. There are a number of spas all across the country which offer massage services and you could even do a stint on a cruise ship where massages are routinely offered each day by the pool.

Once you are a certified as a massage therapist you will have to go through additional training to maintain your certification.
  • You are required to have 50 hours of continuing education every four years to keep your certificate up to date.
  • It is also required that you document performing at least 200 hours of massage therapy over that time.
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Feb 08, 2011 Posted Under: Allergies

Chronic Sinus Infection

The chronic sinusitis is a common ailment that affects people indiscriminately all over the world. The onset of this chronic ailment is usually marked by a cold, which itself could be traced back to an upper respiratory tract infection. The sinusitis may persist for up to 12 weeks. Non-treatment of the infection may result in an aggravation of the symptoms. Chronic sinus infections weaken the body’s immune system, so it is all the more necessary to get medical attention as soon as possible.
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Causes of Chronic sinusitis

Research indicates towards the possibility of nasal mucous being the cause of chronic sinusitis, not sinus tissue. The diseased tissue of the nasal passageway is infected by broken down inflammatory cells that have become toxic. Recognisable chronic sinusitis symptoms would include blocked nose, postnasal drip, nasal discharge, aches in the face and head that may persist for more than 3 months and even loss of the sense of smell. Symptoms such as these greatly strain a person’s daily routine, whether social or personal.

Chronic sinusitis infection causes also may include miniscule airborne irritants and dust particles. These infect the air that accumulates in the sinuses, and since the nose is already a sensitive, infection-prone part of the body, it contracts the infection quite easily. Such an accumulation of irritants serves only to clog the nasal passage and hinder the normal mucosal drainage. The clogged passage only serves to help bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumonia and Herophilus influenza to breed in the sinus cavity.

Another known chronic sinusitis cause could also be a fungal infection. Even though the body is generally resistant to most forms of fungi that occur in the environment, its immune system can be weakened by breathing air infected with the spores of the black mold, which grows mostly in damp, moist areas. Another fungus that causes problems for people’s immune systems is called Aspergillus.

An interesting and lesser known cause of chronic sinus infections can also be the esophagus acid reflux. Too many occurences of the acid reflux may cause inflammation of the nasal lining and blocking of the sinuses when gastric acid irritates the sinuses through the esophagus.

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The best way to determine chronic sinus infection’s cause and then get treatment is to have it checked by a qualified physician. Treatment would generally be a round of antibiotics or with corticosteroid to treat the inflammation in the sinuses and nasal passage. Decongestants, antihistamines and expectorant also help to provide relief by easing the congestion.

The best way to prevent sinusitis is to stay fit and healthy. This means adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, avoiding smoking, healthy fluid intake and distressing one’s life.

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Feb 05, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Help Me To Quit Smoking Now

For years I have tried to quit smoking and have tried almost all the ways to quit smoking but in the end it was the shock of my father dying from cancer (no it wasn’t lung cancer but cancer in the bladder – that according to the urologist is caused by smoking) that made me quit at last forever.

I then thought about it long and hard and realized that the reason that I never could quit in the past was because I did not really WANT to quit. Other people told me to quit and that was the reason that I “wanted” to quit – to stop the nagging!

So if you want to quit smoking there are different ways to do so, but please don’t embark on any of them unless YOU WANT to quit.

  1. Hypnosis – will only work if you believe in hypnosis and if you can be hypnotized
  2. Meditation – me personally have never been able to understand the “meditation” way, but there are people who are adamant that is works
  3. Acupuncture – This seems to have worked for a lot of people as well. I am afraid of needles so I did not even attempt this one.
  4. Subliminal – This method is according to me very important to quit smoking. It may not be effective on its own but it is very important to re-enforce your mind the whole time as smoking is a bad habit and the only way to break bad habits is to have the necessary willpower to do so.
  5. Medication – I have never been good at taking medication (am a little forgetful) so I decided not to try this method. There are a lot of people who will tell you that it is not advisable to take these “drugs” to get rid of your addiction as there is side effects, but in the end you need to decide if the side effects is worse than what the smoking is doing to your health
  6. Nicotine Replacement Therapy – now this one I did use and it worked for me, that was until I was at a party and decided that I will just smoke one cigarette (well we all know that it never ends there – in fact I ended up smoking more than before). You get patches, spray, Lozenges, gum, inhalers. And they now come in different flavors to boot.
  7. Laser Therapy – Well laser seems to work for everything nowadays so why not for smoking.
  8. Natural – this ranges from vitamins, herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies and also include exercising (to get rid of the bulge when you overeat because of the cravings)
  9. False cigarettes or smoking vaporizers
  10. There is also the all popular way of slowly cutting down on a daily basis until you can put the cigarette down.

The most important thing to remember is that there is other people that is also trying to quit and there is people who was successful in quitting so just find yourself a support group as it is always easier when your “burden” is shared.

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Feb 04, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Rheumatoid Arthritis

During the summer of 2010 I received a phone call from an elderly patient who once consulted with me about her rheumatoid arthritis. She was calling to let me know she was doing fine. Then the patient asked how she could tell when she was completely cured of her ailment.

I can’t recall, word-for-word, how I responded to her but the gist of it was as follows; “there is no way for you to know if an ailment has been permanently reversed and put to rest. Rheumatoid arthritis has a nasty way of making its presence known, again and again, when least expected – particularly when you abandon the health restoring principles and practices that granted relief from it in the first place. One day you’re fine and the next day you’re racked with pain in places where none should be present. Or so you think.

Your Rheumatologist may tell you to forget the natural healing protocol I put you on and to instead try a new wonder drug he claims can cure your arthritis. As convincing as his argument may be your body has a peculiar habit of storing a memory of all that it experiences throughout life. It has a tendency to want to repeat certain strong and persistent avenues of expression, such as pleasure or intense pain, as frequently as possible.

When you are afflicted with an aggressive and extremely painful form of rheumatoid arthritis and you use medication to lessen the pain or, worse, to ‘cure’ your ailment, chances are that you will periodically experience reoccurrence of those sensations for quite some time. This is the price you pay when you attempt a cure of any serious ailment without nature’s approval. If you do not include the full scope of nature’s curative powers in any effort to reverse rheumatoid arthritis, you are doomed to suffer the steady reoccurrence of this insidious monster for the duration of your life.

It is only when you allow nature to conduct and orchestrate the great symphony of healing from inside out, from the head down and in reverse order in which the symptoms of disease originally appeared that you will know for certain that your illness is under control. When you allow the great conversion to take place at the cellular level you will know when you are healed of your illness.

The word cure, as it is commonly used in medical parlance, suggests a static, unmoving state, where all movement is subdued and brought to a halt. This is not how natural healing of disease works. To cure a disease has no meaning for the natural physician who knows that all disease is simply unnatural and erratic movement within the body – movement that must be brought back in synchronization with the body’s natural harmonious functioning.

The goal here should not be to cure anything but, instead, to transmute and redirect the energy found within any disease state such as arthritis and allow it to naturally reverse its course. To eradicate any disease state we must allow it to reverse itself and proceed backward through each previous state of affliction until the original acute inflammation is reached. That is when the body can truly heal by bringing the initial inflammation under control and allowing the natural healing forces of nature to begin rebuilding the body again along healthy lines. This is the process involved with getting well. You heal toward health and wellness. You don’t cure toward it.”

I noticed the patient didn’t say much while I spoke. That was unusual. She would always keep me on the phone for at least 30 minutes each time she called. She would talk about everything under the sun, except her health. I asked if I had answered her questions to her satisfaction. There was about a 5 second pause and then she said these few words and hung up the phone on her end: “Thanks. From what you just said I guess I’m cured of my rheumatoid arthritis. Goodbye.”

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Feb 02, 2011 Posted Under: Mental Health

Proven Ways To Deal With Children’s Panic Attacks

There is a common misconception that children’s panic attacks do not exist. Many people assume that children are so far removed from the stresses and strains of adult life that they couldn’t possibly suffer anxiety in the same way that grownups do.
Unfortunately this belief is false. There are a great many children with panic attacks and anxiety issues, however the actual symptoms and reasons for the episodes do differ from what adults with the same disorder experience. No parent wants to see their child in pain or distress, and that is why having a child that suffers from panic attacks and anxiety can be so upsetting for the parents.

So how can we recognize children’s panic attacks, and what can be done about them?

Symptoms of anxiety will vary from child to child, and will depend on what has triggered the episode in the first place, as well as the age of the child. Generally symptoms will range from crying and tantrums, to actual shaking and sweating. What are the possible causes of such symptoms in children?

Some of the most commonly occurring reasons for children with panic attacks are:

Separation anxiety

This is where the child cannot bear to be separated from their parents even for a short period of time. Even if they are left in the next room and can hear their parents an episode can be triggered.

Imagined fear

Children’s minds work very differently to an adult. They are not yet able to rationalize like we can and may become very frightened by something that we perceive to be incidental. A very young child who has a nasty shock when a balloon pops near to them may become very stressed when they encounter balloons in future.

They can also create things in their head that do not really exist. Monsters under the bed for instance. As adults we know that such things do not exist yet in the mind of a child they can be very real and absolutely terrifying.

Social anxiety

Although most children are quite confident and down to earth, there are many who find it very hard to mix with other children. This makes going to school very distressing for a child with this sort of anxiety.

They may often pretend to be ill in order to avoid the situation, and can become very upset and tearful when mum or dad takes them to the school gates. Making friends is also very difficult which can often make the situation worse as the child begins to feel isolated. So what can you do?

The first thing you need to do is to try and identify what is causing your child’s anxiety. Look for patterns in behavior and try to spot what it is that triggers the situations. Sit down and try as best possible with your child what upsets them or is making them scared.

Often if it is something simple you may be able to help them yourself with steps like positive reinforcement, rewards, and some general fun time and reassurance. If however you think you have a more serious issue then the best thing you can do is seek the help of a professional. Children’ panic attacks can be cured almost totally with the right treatment, so it makes sense to get help as early as possible to avoid the situation worsening.

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