Archive for the 'Other' Category

Feb 05, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Help Me To Quit Smoking Now

For years I have tried to quit smoking and have tried almost all the ways to quit smoking but in the end it was the shock of my father dying from cancer (no it wasn’t lung cancer but cancer in the bladder – that according to the urologist is caused by smoking) that made me quit at last forever.

I then thought about it long and hard and realized that the reason that I never could quit in the past was because I did not really WANT to quit. Other people told me to quit and that was the reason that I “wanted” to quit – to stop the nagging!

So if you want to quit smoking there are different ways to do so, but please don’t embark on any of them unless YOU WANT to quit.

  1. Hypnosis – will only work if you believe in hypnosis and if you can be hypnotized
  2. Meditation – me personally have never been able to understand the “meditation” way, but there are people who are adamant that is works
  3. Acupuncture – This seems to have worked for a lot of people as well. I am afraid of needles so I did not even attempt this one.
  4. Subliminal – This method is according to me very important to quit smoking. It may not be effective on its own but it is very important to re-enforce your mind the whole time as smoking is a bad habit and the only way to break bad habits is to have the necessary willpower to do so.
  5. Medication – I have never been good at taking medication (am a little forgetful) so I decided not to try this method. There are a lot of people who will tell you that it is not advisable to take these “drugs” to get rid of your addiction as there is side effects, but in the end you need to decide if the side effects is worse than what the smoking is doing to your health
  6. Nicotine Replacement Therapy – now this one I did use and it worked for me, that was until I was at a party and decided that I will just smoke one cigarette (well we all know that it never ends there – in fact I ended up smoking more than before). You get patches, spray, Lozenges, gum, inhalers. And they now come in different flavors to boot.
  7. Laser Therapy – Well laser seems to work for everything nowadays so why not for smoking.
  8. Natural – this ranges from vitamins, herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies and also include exercising (to get rid of the bulge when you overeat because of the cravings)
  9. False cigarettes or smoking vaporizers
  10. There is also the all popular way of slowly cutting down on a daily basis until you can put the cigarette down.

The most important thing to remember is that there is other people that is also trying to quit and there is people who was successful in quitting so just find yourself a support group as it is always easier when your “burden” is shared.

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Feb 04, 2011 Posted Under: Other

Rheumatoid Arthritis

During the summer of 2010 I received a phone call from an elderly patient who once consulted with me about her rheumatoid arthritis. She was calling to let me know she was doing fine. Then the patient asked how she could tell when she was completely cured of her ailment.

I can’t recall, word-for-word, how I responded to her but the gist of it was as follows; “there is no way for you to know if an ailment has been permanently reversed and put to rest. Rheumatoid arthritis has a nasty way of making its presence known, again and again, when least expected – particularly when you abandon the health restoring principles and practices that granted relief from it in the first place. One day you’re fine and the next day you’re racked with pain in places where none should be present. Or so you think.

Your Rheumatologist may tell you to forget the natural healing protocol I put you on and to instead try a new wonder drug he claims can cure your arthritis. As convincing as his argument may be your body has a peculiar habit of storing a memory of all that it experiences throughout life. It has a tendency to want to repeat certain strong and persistent avenues of expression, such as pleasure or intense pain, as frequently as possible.

When you are afflicted with an aggressive and extremely painful form of rheumatoid arthritis and you use medication to lessen the pain or, worse, to ‘cure’ your ailment, chances are that you will periodically experience reoccurrence of those sensations for quite some time. This is the price you pay when you attempt a cure of any serious ailment without nature’s approval. If you do not include the full scope of nature’s curative powers in any effort to reverse rheumatoid arthritis, you are doomed to suffer the steady reoccurrence of this insidious monster for the duration of your life.

It is only when you allow nature to conduct and orchestrate the great symphony of healing from inside out, from the head down and in reverse order in which the symptoms of disease originally appeared that you will know for certain that your illness is under control. When you allow the great conversion to take place at the cellular level you will know when you are healed of your illness.

The word cure, as it is commonly used in medical parlance, suggests a static, unmoving state, where all movement is subdued and brought to a halt. This is not how natural healing of disease works. To cure a disease has no meaning for the natural physician who knows that all disease is simply unnatural and erratic movement within the body – movement that must be brought back in synchronization with the body’s natural harmonious functioning.

The goal here should not be to cure anything but, instead, to transmute and redirect the energy found within any disease state such as arthritis and allow it to naturally reverse its course. To eradicate any disease state we must allow it to reverse itself and proceed backward through each previous state of affliction until the original acute inflammation is reached. That is when the body can truly heal by bringing the initial inflammation under control and allowing the natural healing forces of nature to begin rebuilding the body again along healthy lines. This is the process involved with getting well. You heal toward health and wellness. You don’t cure toward it.”

I noticed the patient didn’t say much while I spoke. That was unusual. She would always keep me on the phone for at least 30 minutes each time she called. She would talk about everything under the sun, except her health. I asked if I had answered her questions to her satisfaction. There was about a 5 second pause and then she said these few words and hung up the phone on her end: “Thanks. From what you just said I guess I’m cured of my rheumatoid arthritis. Goodbye.”

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Jan 26, 2011 Posted Under: Other

A New Vision for America

A great quote to start off with was one by Dr. Robert Maurer. Here is what he said, “It’s been said that the only constant is change. I don’t agree with that. There’s another constant, and that’s the desire for change.”

My vision is to see a paradigm shift in America’s healthcare; and I believe it all starts with families, primarily the next generation. I want to see children growing up understanding God’s laws of health and healing and the way he truly designed the body to function and heal. Our body is a self-healing organism, and we carry within ourselves this innate healing ability that we can put our faith in and rely upon. It can restore us to health and wholeness if we just allow it to do so without interference.

I want people to understand the premise of the three major interferences and to know that if we can remove those interferences, the body can heal itself and get well. We must remove the chemical interferences, the physical interferences, and the emotional/psychological interferences and allow the body to express itself from above, down, inside, and out – from the brain and nervous system (the master control system), through the brain/body connection, out through the spine, and to the body.

My vision is that people get out of the pill, potion, lotion, spoonful- of-medicine mentality and start putting their faith in their own bodies, and in God’s laws of health and healing. Digging ourselves out of the hole we’re in starts with this belief in the body.

A wellness coach can help you begin living this lifestyle. It is paramount that you find someone to hold you accountable and provide you with the resources to begin living this lifestyle. Ideally, this person will create an atmosphere that is supportive, nurturing, encouraging, inspiring, and exciting. That person needs to show you that they are willing to hold you accountable, have ways to measure and demonstrate your progress, and ultimately be able to produce results while leading you to where you need to be. The most qualified people for this are family and wellness oriented chiropractors because they understand this philosophy and possess and utilize the resources necessary to produce outstanding results. They understand how God made the body, as well as how He heals the body; they understand His laws of health and healing.

Deepak Chopra, endocrinologist, lecturer, celebrity and author of many books, states, “Prognostication is based on statistical probabilities. While statistics may apply to a large population sample, they tell us nothing about the individual. For example, if the average temperature in New York City for the year is 54 degrees Fahrenheit, that does not inform me what the temperature is today. Similarly, if you are a citizen of Bangladesh and the average income of a Bangladeshi is $65 per household per year, that does not tell me your income. When I was a medical student, there used to be a joke about statistics, which in today’s climate of political correctness might be considered sexist, but at the risk of possibly off ending some, I will share it with you anyway because it makes an insightful point. “Statistics are like a girl in a bikini. What she reveals is obvious, but what she conceals is much more interesting.” As applied to illness, there is only one rule: Do not buy into the prognosis; you may be buying into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Again, there’s a major flaw in that thinking and in that health model. The problem is that medical doctors went to medical school, and in their medical textbooks it said that pancreatic cancer kills. It’s one of the most virulent forms of cancer. The medical professor teaches it, and the medical students hear it and adopt it as their belief system.

Through quantum physics, however, we know that reality is usually created by one’s belief system. Quantum physics says an object can’t be measured without the observer influencing what they’re observing; so we know that intention and belief system determines a lot of what you’re observing and so your belief system determines reality to a large extent. So if you or a loved one were given a terminal diagnosis and a doctor’s belief system was that you’re going to die, would you believe this or look for other answers?

As a wellness doctor of the future, my new vision for America has people asking: “How do I not die from all the cancer and the heart disease and the strokes and all the things destroying Americans? What do I need to do to become part of that 4 percent?” If you are asking that question, you have hope. There is a way to live because, obviously, 4 percent are living.

The principle of chiropractic is all about teaching the world how to be part of that 4 percent, not the 96 percent who may choose to believe in a statistical death sentence. As chiropractors, we stand in the gap, and shout to the world that yes, there is hope. Yes, you can live life without fear. Yes, the power that made the body can heal the body. Yes, God needs no help to heal, just no interference. The principled chiropractor empowers their patients to think within a new paradigm, thus enabling them to ask better questions and make more intelligent decisions. We understand that your thought process, more often than not, can be a matter of life and death.

We started this off with a great quote so I am going to leave you with a great set of questions to ask now: “I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, at the same bench, was not. Why? What difference was there in the two people that caused one to have pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid, cancer, or rheumatism, while his partner, similarly situated, escaped? Why?” Dr BJ Palmer.

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Dec 22, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Can Varicose Veins Be Treated Without Surgery?

Veins are equipped with valves that ensure blood flows toward your heart. The valves are composed of leaflets that open to allow blood through, and close to prevent it from flowing in the opposite direction. If these leaflets fail to close properly, blood will start to pool in the veins. This will cause blood pressure to rise, and eventually lead to the bulging and twisting that is characteristic of varicose veins.

In addition to their unattractive appearance, varicosities in the blood vessels can be uncomfortable. They may cause itching and pain, especially toward the end of the day when pressure within the veins is greatest.

There are a number of treatment options available to eliminate varicose veins. This article will focus primarily on nonsurgical approaches, such as compression stockings and other conservative measures.

Improved Circulation With Compression Stockings

Most patients suffering from varicose veins should consider compression stockings before more invasive measures. These stockings are typically worn over the calves, though longer versions that extend over the knees are available. They put pressure on the leg veins to encourage blood flow to the heart. As a result, they reduce pain and swelling.

The stockings are available in several compression levels, some of which can be purchased over-the-counter while others require a prescription from your doctor. Compared to other treatment measures for varicose veins, this approach is far less expensive. Stockings for a compression class that requires a prescription typically cost under $100 per pair.

Exercise And Weight Management

Because blood pressure is the primary cause of varicosities in the blood vessels, weight plays a large role in their development. Those who are obese tend to experience varicose veins more often than others. Thus, exercise and weight management are important parts of treatment (as well as prevention). A healthy, low-salt diet that contains plenty of fiber will help prevent weight gain that can otherwise lead to added pressure in the veins.

Take the time to walk each day to encourage blood circulation in your legs. Any form of physical activity is good, including jogging and bicycling, since it promotes healthy venous return. Many physicians also recommend swimming because it positions the body so the legs are horizontal. This reduces blood pooling due to gravity.

If you sit for extended periods, make a point of standing up and walking every thirty minutes. This will prevent blood from pooling. An alternative to standing is to stretch your legs as you sit, and flex the muscles within them. This, too, encourages blood flow.

Other Conservative Treatment Measures

Some doctors will suggest medications to reduce inflammation caused by varicose veins. An example is ibuprofen, which may be recommended along with compression stockings. It is important to realize that medications alone cannot resolve varicosities, but they can have an anti-inflammatory effect on them. This can help prevent aching, swelling, and skin ulcers (in severe cases).

Another conservative approach to preventing blood from pooling in the legs is to elevate your legs above your heart for short periods throughout the day. This encourages blood flow, and reduces pressure within the veins.

Minimally Invasive Procedures For Resolving Varicosities
If your varicose veins are persistently uncomfortable, a more direct treatment approach may be warranted. One method is sclerotherapy. This involves injecting a chemical into the target blood vessel. The chemical causes inflammation and hardening, and eventually causes the vessel to vanish.

Another procedure is endovenous laser therapy (EVLT). During EVLT, a laser fiber is advanced into the target vessel. Once the fiber is positioned, heat is used to damage the blood vessel’s lining, and cause it to collapse. As with sclerotherapy, the vein eventually disappears.

Your doctor may also suggest ambulatory phlebectomy. This is the removal of a diseased vein through small punctures that are made over it. The procedure is usually reserved for smaller blood vessels.

Treating varicose veins seldom requires invasive surgery. In most cases, they can be resolved with treatment measures that are minimally invasive and affordable.

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Dec 16, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Overview

There was a time not that long ago when snoring was considered a mild annoyance and not much more. While this is still the case in many instances, snoring can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that can do a world of damage to an individual’s health. The insidious thing about the condition is that so many people have it and don’t even realize it. With a condition that has the potential to raise the blood sugar level of a person and even increase their risk of developing diabetes, more should be done to identify this problem earlier.

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, basically means that you’re not getting the airflow you need when you go to sleep. A person has a certain conscious level of control over their breathing while they are awake. When asleep, the process goes into fully automatic mode. However, this mode is also open to some problems, as is the case with people who have the condition. It is not rare, either. Some studies have indicated that as many as 25% of men suffer from the condition and as many as 10% of females.

Unlike many conditions people face on a regular basis, obstructive sleep apnea has a direct cause and that cause is very often obesity. When there is excess fatty tissue surrounding the chest area, it creates an enormous amount of extra work for the human respiratory system. What’s worse is that the presence of that fat increases the need for more oxygen. So you have a situation where the lungs need more oxygen, yet find it more difficult than ever to get it. You can see why such a situation can lead to problems and why diabetes onset is not the only thing these sufferers need to worry about. OSA has also been linked strongly with other conditions such as heart attack and high blood pressure.

If there is any good news about obstructive sleep apnea, it is that it can be treated relatively easily. Doctors, after diagnosis, can fit the patient with a CPAP device, which can ensure the open and continuous flow of air into the subject’s lungs during sleep. There have been several studies as well that seem to indicate that losing weight may help in ridding one’s self of the condition. If you believe you may be suffering from OSA, you should set up an appointment with your doctor right away and have a sleep study performed. You could be doing immeasurable damage to your health while your sleep.

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Dec 09, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Healthy Eating Is The Key

When it comes to losing weight, there are so many options out there that it is easy to become distracted. There are diets that allow you to eat a whole lot of one thing as long as you steer well clear of something else, and there are exercise regimes that don’t involve much actual exercise. There seems to be an industry designed to think up ever more improbable ways of stopping weight gain, but when you come to really consider it, the only sure way to control your weight is to eat healthily.

Every human being has a certain calorific need, and if you exceed that without exercising to burn off the excess calories you will find that you gain weight. There are other considerations too, such as how many calories in a food come from fat, but in the main, it’s about getting the right balance of calories. You have to eat healthily to lose weight healthily and keep it off, and there is no getting around that fact.

Deciding on a diet to follow depends on showing common sense. It would be fantastic if we were able to eat what we wanted, do what we wanted and never gain weight. However, sacrifices are necessary if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and after a while they will become second nature. Eating healthily does not mean eating boring food – but we are conditioned to think that if it is good for you it cannot be fun. Breaking that particular mindset is the first key in a weight loss plan.

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Nov 25, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Cold Sores

If cold sores are holding you back, read this excellent article. You will see how these unsightly lesions occur and some positive courses to treat and defend against them.

Cold sores are a miserable ordeal for a lot of of people each year in every sector of the globe. These miserable sores are the result of the herpes simplex virus creating new virus. Over 88% of our world society carries this virus.

Happily there are some very effective methods to quickly banish cold sores. You can decide to try prescription drugs or natural home remedies.

Cold sores are blisters that commonly appear on the edge of the lips or nose, as these are usual sites of initial infection. They are very contagious through physical touch with a sore or tainted saliva.

Early onset signs could be tingling or dryness after which red pimple-like bumps will appear.

They happen commonly in response to catalysts such as stress or sickness that suppresses your defenses. If you can maintain a vigorous immune response factor, you can be able to lessen occurrences of these attacks.

Most people who deal with these sores would surely gain relief from taking a high quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Especially needed are high amounts of vitamins C, B and A along with 900 milligrams of calcium daily.

Another popular, natural, cold sore cure is the amino acid lysine. This is a common protein you could get from food or supplements. Lysine reduces severity by keeping the herpes virus from producing new virus particles.

If you are handicapped by a lot of cold sores, you can use lysine capsules (at least a couple daily) for halting new virus activity. For sporadic outbreaks, begin consuming lysine as quickly as you become aware of a pending attack.

Zinc is a leading mineral for getting out from under your virus attacks. You can get it in supplement form and in most premium brands of vitamins. Zinc improves your defense against this and most varieties of viruses.

Many affected people create a topical remedy by mixing crushed zinc tablets and tea tree oil. You should enjoy better and quicker response by utilizing the type of zinc found in zinc lozenges for head colds. This kind is designed to pass through the skin fast.

Of the several medical remedies, one of the commonly utilized creams consists of an anti-virus chemical known as acyclovir. You must apply it at least five times per day for five continuous days.

Another FDA endorsed salve containing pharmaceutical anti-viral qualities is Penciclovir. You must apply it for four consecutive days, every two hours while you are up.

It may work the first few times you use it, but the herpes virus sooner or later becomes immune to it. These anti-virus salves work by defending nearby cells from being infected by the herpes virus.

All of the virus medicating salves and creams are a bit of a hassle to use and at a much higher price than I care to pay. For swifter and better outcome, natural home cold sore remedies still seem to be our best choice.

Some people use oral prescription pills incorporating valacyclovir or famciclovir as a cold sore remedy. These anti-viral drugs are carried to the sore via your bloodstream.

In addition to the cost and inconvenience of obtaining a doctor’s script, these medications can be stressful for the kidneys and other vital organs. Also, as with most pharmaceuticals, this virus can mutate to become immune to them.

Numerous additional therapies available at your local stores can be balms with nerve-deadening ingredients. These can help lessen severity by desensitizing the nerves exposed by the sore. Look on the content statement for lidocaine or benzocaine.

Cold sores are very much an unwelcome harassment in your life. They are chiefly agonizing because they show up at the most bothersome times. There are a few over-the-counter remedies available consisting of natural medicating elements. These will give some comfort.

The sooner you commence addressing an emerging sore with a good therapy, the more successful your results will be.

Master the early signs of a coming outbreak and activate your remedies without delay. Even a few hours of delay can make a huge reduction in your response level.

To work out a treatment plan that best works for you will require you to experiment with alternate remedies and combinations of care options.

If you suffer numerous or unusually painful sores, you should visit a medical professional for a more complete analysis of your unique situation.

Regardless what your situation, though, you would be wise to check out some good cold sore web sites where you will uncover additional facts and proven top cold sore home remedies.

You will be happy to see that most of these natural home cold sore remedies work best and are free, or nearly so.

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Nov 18, 2010 Posted Under: Other

What Are Stem Cells

The question of stem cells happens to be one of the dominant subjects in the debate over biotechnology and human genetics: Should we use embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells for future medical therapies?

So what are Stem Cells, Exactly?

It’s appropriate here to sketch the characteristics of stem cells, and also the overthrow of some dogmas of developmental biology. Broadly speaking, a stem cell is one that-in the course of cell division and rise in the amount of cells – is able to reproduce itself and also mature into various specialized kinds of cells.

Embryonic cells are obtained from a growing embryo in the blastocyst stage, destroying the embryo, a developing human life. Adult cells, however, are found in most tissues of the growing human being and, based on latest reports, also have the possibility to transform themselves into practically other cell types, or revert to being stem cells with greater reproductive capacity. Embryonic cells have yet to be used for even one therapy, while adult stem cells have already been successfully used in numerous patients, including for cardiac infarction (death of an area of the heart tissue).

These cells are of wide interest for medicine, simply because they have the possibility, under suitable conditions, to build up into almost all of the different types of cells. They should therefore be able to repair damaged or defective tissues (for instance, destroyed insulin-producing cells in the pancreas). Most of the so-called degenerative diseases, for which you will find as yet no effective therapies, could then be alleviated or healed.

The cell with the greatest potential (totipotential) may be the fertilized ovum, which is effective at developing right into a complete organism. Tissue-specific stem cells have the ability – as may be impressively demonstrated in experiments with animals – to “transdifferentiate” themselves when in a different environment – that is, to take on the cell functions of the new tissue. Thus, neuronal cells of mice have transformed themselves into blood stem cells and then produced blood cells.

Indeed, you will find indications of some other capability of adult stem cells: Apparently they have the potential to become “reprogrammed.” Not only can they adjust to the particular conditions of the new tissue environment, but they can even assume more generalized, earlier levels of development, so that it even appears entirely possible that they become totipotent again.

It has been noted for about 30 years that these cells can be found within the tissue from the adult, but it was assumed that they could only form cells of a particular tissue. That is, reprogramming them was considered impossible. Recently, however, pluripotent stem cells were found in a variety of human tissues – in the spinal-cord, within the brain, within the mesenchyme (connective tissue) of various organs, and in the blood from the umbilical cord. These pluripotent cells can handle forming several cell types – principally blood, muscle, and nerve cells. It has been possible to recognize, select, and develop them to the point that they form mature cell types with the help of growth factors and regulating proteins.

It is becoming clear from transplantation experiments with animals, that stem cells of a particular tissue can develop into cells of a different kind. Thus, bone marrow cells have been induced to become brain cells, but additionally liver cells.

Once you know how your natural renewal system works, it’ll become obvious for you why increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells has become the best thing you can do to maintain optimal health. This exciting information was discovered so recently that most people – even many doctors – don’t know about it yet!

Essentially, some tips about what happens when a necessity develops within your body…

1. The tissue or organ in need of assistance sends chemical messengers out to the bloodstream,
2. These chemical messengers then prompt the release of cells from the bone marrow.
3. While another group of chemical messengers sent through the tissue in need of assistance prompts the circulating stem cells to…

a. Migrate to the tissue
b. Profilerate ( make more) and
c. Then transform themselves into healthy cells of this tissue.

This information is very exciting but where to from here for the average person in the street? A company was formed in 2005, headquartered in the USA, and are now trading in 14 countries, that has developed a patent pending product that assists you to maintain optimal health. The company is marketing the products through the MultiLevel Marketing concept where distributors are reported to be making substantial incomes from their downlines. People like yourself are reporting amazing results after a short period of time taking the capsules daily.

Could this be the next big thing to hit the medical world? The company cannot give any guarantees that their product will cure anything, but suggest that people try the product and see what results they get.

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Nov 16, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Side Effects Of Pain Killers

With today’s medical advancements, pain in any kind can now be avoided or reduced. With the pain killer drugs, this is possible once consumed. Hoping to offer some relief, this kind of medication sometimes becomes a habit and not truly aiming of treating the real cause of the pain.

Pain killers or medically known as analgesics, are a group of drugs created to relieve different body pains including headache and muscle and joint pains. These drugs acts in different ways in the peripheral and central nervous systems, blocking the pain receptors in the body from sending neurotransmitters (pain signals) to the brain. There are two types of pain killers, narcotics and non-narcotic analgesics.

Below are the kinds of analgesics.

* Paracetamol
* Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
* Aspirin
* Morphine
* Acetaminophen
* Opium
* Tylenol

Aspirin and tylenol are types of non-narcotic analgesics, with ingredients consisting mostly of ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Side effects of non-narcotic analgesics are mild and manageable. Although beneficial for fever, inflammation and other body pains, this analgesics are still associated with various side effects.

Narcotic pain killers on the other hand are very dangerous when applied incorrectly and may inflict permanent body damage or even death. Morphine and opium are some of the types of this pain killers and are widely used for surgical procedures and accidents. This analgesics responds on specific receptors in the brain and the spinal cord to ease the pain and reduce any emotional response to pain.

Common side effects of both narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics.

* Kidney damage
* Ulcer
* Liver damage
* Renal Failure
* Allergic reactions
* Hearing loss
* Drop in blood pressure

Is pain killers really needed? I think it depends on the situation. If you will undergo some medical examination or treatment, analgesics are very necessary. But if you are just going to use it for your regular muscle pains, headache or fever, it is better to let the symptoms go away naturally than using analgesics.

Taking advantage of the body’s natural reaction and defense mechanism against pain causing ailments are good for the body. It will make you less prone to many analgesic side effects and will help you avoid pain killer addiction.

To get the right dosage and analgesic prescription for your body pains, always consult a medical professional for proper advice. Alternatively, consult the symptoms you are experiencing because it is best to treat the cause of the pain than just making yourself immune from the pain. Use pain killers wisely or your body will pay the price eventually!

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Oct 22, 2010 Posted Under: Other

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

It is most likely that the recovery of a tooth extraction will only take a couple of days, but there are some instructions that will lower the risk for post-operative issues (like the so-called Dry Socket) and may help on the road to recovery.

Always follow the instructions of your dentist to avoid slight or even serious problems, so: Be a good patient and pay attention to your dentist.

Here are some DO’s and DON’Ts for your after-care process:

  • Bite down hard on the moist cotton gauze the dentist placed over the extraction wound for 30-45 minutes to support a solid blood clot to form. At home a wet tea bag can serve as a replacement. If it keeps bleeding contact the dentist.
  • While the mouth is still numb because of the local anaesthesia, be very careful not to bite or burn the lip, the inside of your cheeks or your tongue.
  • Do not touch the wound with the fingers to not infect the wound with bacteria that might be on your hands.
  • Don’t rub the wound with the tongue or suck on the tooth socket, this may release the clot of blood.
  • Try to relax after the extraction. Lie down, but put a pillow under the head, lying flat may extend the bleeding.
  • Use an ice pack on the outside of your cheek in the area of the extraction for the first 24 hours to keep the swelling at a minimum. Some patients find it pleasant to melt an ice cube in the mouth to cool the inside as well.
  • Most important: do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Nicotine can break down the blood clot and cause a wound healing disorder like the painful “Dry Socket”, while consuming alcohol will dilute your blood and hence might increase the chance of bleeding. Even if you follow all advices, problems might still occur. Never hesitate to contact your dentist if you encounter too much bleeding or pain.

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